Thursday, March 31, 2011

Survey on Religious knowledge

The author of the cited article leaves out one very important fact. Many followers of Islam are insisting on carrying out the Koran edicts through sharia law and other statements in teh Koran. Some Jews today may follow dietary laws but they don't carry out genocide based on biblical edicts. George S.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Lenten Study

For Lent I'm reading several books, "Killing the Buddha," "The Return of the Prodigal Son," and "Spiritual Direction." The first book is by two guys, one who was raised a Jew by a Hindu Buddhist and the other raised a Catholic by a Catholic priest and a nun. The nun left her order but the priest continued to celebrate Mass even after being excommunicated by the Church. They attack all organized religions as limiting and believe God is found by living with open and questioning minds. The authors also have a great website called “Killing the Buddha” , see link, they recently stopped posting because of the success of their book. It is still running, so you can view past articles there are some great faith stories and others that are just entertaining. The latter two books are by Henri Nouwen, a Catholic monk. The books are some what traditional yet challenging. Henri is able to vividly describe his own walk with Christ in way that can help each of us better understand our own walk with Christ. Oh, I'm also reading "Questioning God: A Look at Genesis 1-3" written by Brad Miter's Orthodox Church priest. I'm also attending a Wednesday night program at St. Peter's Episcopal Church that is covering topics prepared by a progressive Christian group called "Living the Questions." George S.

Sunday, February 10, 2008


Hi everyone. Things in Cambridge, MA are going well, last night we served 55 working poor at St Peter's, my church in Cambridge. A great community. Next week Mary and I will be going down to NOLA with our Christ Church community.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Were back online

I'll place an order for our next book today should have them in about two weeks. It's been a while since I've used this. I'm still not sure what blog is and how it's really useful.

George S.

Monday, March 28, 2005

A beginning

Just setting up this blog. We are a group of Christian men who regularly meet at lunch time to discuss God, politics, our faith, and life.